Conditions of Sale

Website Terms and Conditions of Sale

These Conditions of Sale govern the sale of products on by Beauburra to you.

Please read these conditions carefully before placing an order for products sold by Beauburra, by placing an order you agree to these conditions.

Contract of Sale

When you place an order to purchase the products from us, we will send you a message confirming receipt of your order and containing the details of your order. The order confirmation is acknowledgment that we have received your order, and does not confirm our acceptance of your offer to buy the products ordered. We only accept your offer and conclude the contract of sale for a product ordered by you, when we dispatch the product(s) to you and send an email message confirming that we have dispatched the product to you.

Cancellation and Returns Policies

You can cancel your order for a product at no cost any time before we send the Shipment Confirmation relating to that product unless one of the exceptions listed below:

The supply of goods customised to your specification.

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Beauburra within 14 days of receipt of delivery for a refund minus 10% administration and restocking fees. You will also have to bear the return shipping cost.

Statutory Rights and Remedies

Our cancellation and return policies apply in addition to the other rights and remedies a person may have under law including under the Australian Consumer Law.

Pricing and Availability

All prices are exclusive of GST

We list availability information for products sold by us on the website including on each product information page. As we process your order, we will inform you by email as soon as possible if any product you order turns out to be unavailable and you will not be charged for those products.

Despite our best efforts, a small number of the items in our catalogues may be mispriced. If we have made a mistake and a product’s correct price is higher than the price on the website, we may either contact you before shipping to request whether you want to buy the product at the correct price or cancel your order. If the product's correct price is lower than our stated price, we will charge the lower amount and send you the product.

Delivery Times

Delivery estimates and dates are just estimates. They are not guaranteed delivery times and should not be relied upon as such. You are still entitled to have the products sent to you within a reasonable time. If the delay occurs before the products are dispatched, you may cancel your order at any time prior to dispatch in accordance with the Cancellation and Returning Policies.

Product Information

While we work to ensure that production information on our website is correct, products and any product packaging and materials may be different from that displayed on our website. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only and our sole liability in the event any incorrect product information will be to accept a return of the product in accordance with our Return Policy and your statutory rights.

Returns Policy

You may return most new, unopened items sold and fulfilled by Beauburra within 14 days of receipt of delivery for a refund minus 10% administration and restocking fees. You will also have to bear the return shipping cost.

Disclaimer and Liability

Unless otherwise stated in writing, Beauburra disclaims, and does not make, any representation or warranty of any kind in respect of any product we offer on the website or that you may order from us. Beauburra will not be responsible for (i) any loss arising from the unavailability of any product; (ii) losses that were not caused by any breach on our part; (iii) any business loss, loss of sales, profits, revenue, contracts, anticipated savings, data, goodwill or wasted expenditure; (iv) any indirect or consequential losses; or (v) any delay or failure to comply with our obligations under these conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause which is beyond our reasonable control.

Unless otherwise stated in writing, our liability to you for any loss arising from or relating to the offer or sale of any product by us on the website is limited to a refund of the relevant amount paid for the product (including applicable shipping fees).

Nothing in these conditions is intended to exclude, restrict or modify any non-excludable right or remedy you have under law including the Australian Consumer Law. Any disclaimer, exclusion, or limitation as provided for in these conditions applies to the full extent permitted by law and subject to any non-excludable right or remedy.

Applicable Law

The laws of Victoria, Australia govern this Agreement and any dispute of any sort that might arise between the parties.


We reserve the right to make changes to our website, these Conditions of Sale, our policies, and our listings at any time by posting the changes on our website. You will be subject to the Conditions of Sale and policies available on the site at the time you order products from us.


If any of these Conditions of Sale is deemed invalid, void, or for any reason unenforceable, that condition will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining condition.


If you breach these Conditions of Sale and we take no action, we will still be entitled to use our rights and remedies in any other situation where you breach these Conditions of Sale.


We do not sell products for purchase by children. We sell children's products for purchase by adults. If you are under 18 you may only use with the involvement of a parent or guardian.